Ontario Incorporation & Organization - Corporate Name
Description Amount Select
A.  INCORPORATION: Receive instructions from you; conduct preliminary name search and forward to you for your review; receive instructions to proceed with incorporation under Proposed Name; obtain Ontario NUANS name search report and prepare articles of incorporation under Proposed Name; forward draft incorporation documents to you for approval and signature; receive and review signed incorporation documents; attend to e-filing of articles of incorporation with Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; forward electronic copy of Certificate of Incorporation to you; and all incidental telephone conversations and email correspondence. $160.00
A (1) SHARE CONDITIONS FOR EACH AUTHORIZED "STANDARD" CLASS: Prepare draft share conditions for each authorized "standard" (ie., not "freeze") class of shares; review, update and finalize and forward to you for review; incorporate into Articles of Incorporation.    
Fee for one (1) authorized share class (included in item A. above) $0.00
Fee for two (2) authorized share classes $150.00
Fee for three (3) authorized share classes $225.00
Fee for four (4) authorized share classes $300.00
A (2) SHARE CONDITIONS FOR EACH AUTHORIZED "FREEZE" CLASS:  Prepare draft share conditions for each authorized "freeze" class of shares; review, update and finalize and forward to you for review; incorporate into Articles of Incorporation.    
Fee for one (1) authorized share class $125.00
Fee for two (2) authorized share classes $250.00
Fee for three (3) authorized share classes $375.00
Fee for four (4) authorized share classes $500.00
B.  ORGANIZATION: Prepare share subscription(s) and organizational board and shareholder resolutions to enact general operating by-law and borrowing by-law, set financial year end, issue shares, appoint officers, approve banking arrangements, appoint accountants, set corporate records office; prepare general operating by-law and borrowing by-law; Prepare specimen + issued share certificates; prepare Consent to Act as Director for each director; complete and attend to filing of corporate notice under Corporations Information Act; complete directors', officers' and share registers; assemble minute book; report to you; and all incidental telephone conversations and email correspondence. $475.00
Optional Services
C.  ON BUSINESS NAME REGISTRATION: Receive your instructions, complete Business Name Registration form under Business Names Act (Ontario);  arrange for approval and attend to e-filing with Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; obtain Confirmation of Business Name Registration and report to you thereon. $125.00
D.  HST REGISTRATION: Receive instructions; complete Application for HST Registration and email to you for further completion, approval and signature; receive signed HST Application and fax signed HST form to Canada Revenue Agency and arrange for HST Registration. $55.00
Subtotal Fees
Description Amount HST
NUANS Name Search Report
Government Filing Fee - Incorporation
Online Transmission Filing Fee
Ontario Form 1 Notice e-Filing Fee
Ontario business name government Filing Fee
Online Transmission Filing Fee
Minute Book - Electronic or Physical
Courier charge (if applicable)
Subtotal Disbursements
Ontario Incorporation & Organization - Number Name
Description Amount Select
A.  INCORPORATION: Receive instructions from you; prepare articles of incorporation; forward draft to you for approval and signature; attend to e-filing of articles of incorporation with Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; forward electronic copy of Certificate of Incorporation to you; and all incidental telephone conversations and correspondence. $140.00
A (1) SHARE CONDITIONS FOR EACH AUTHORIZED "STANDARD" CLASS: Prepare draft share conditions for each authorized "standard" (ie., not "freeze") class of shares; review, update and finalize and forward to you for review; incorporate into Articles of Incorporation.    
Fee for one (1) authorized share class (included in item A. above) $0.00
Fee for two (2) authorized share classes $150.00
Fee for three (3) authorized share classes $225.00
Fee for four (4) authorized share classes $300.00
A (2) SHARE CONDITIONS FOR EACH AUTHORIZED "FREEZE" CLASS:  Prepare draft share conditions for each authorized "freeze" class of shares; review, update and finalize and forward to you for review; incorporate into Articles of Incorporation.    
Fee for one (1) authorized share class $125.00
Fee for two (2) authorized share classes $250.00
Fee for three (3) authorized share classes $375.00
Fee for four (4) authorized share classes $500.00
B.  ORGANIZATION: Prepare share subscription(s) and organizational board and shareholder resolutions to enact general operating by-law and borrowing by-law, set financial year end, issue shares, appoint officers, approve banking arrangements, appoint accountants, set corporate records office; prepare general operating by-law and borrowing by-law; Prepare specimen + issued share certificates; prepare Consent to Act as Director for each director; complete and attend to filing of corporate notice under Corporations Information Act; complete directors', officers' and share registers; assemble minute book; report to you; and all incidental telephone conversations and email correspondence. $475.00
Optional Services
C.  ON BUSINESS NAME REGISTRATION: Receive your instructions, complete Business Name Registration form under Business Names Act (Ontario);  arrange for approval and attend to e-filing with Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; obtain Confirmation of Business Name Registration and report to you thereon. $125.00
D.  HST REGISTRATION: Receive instructions; complete Application for HST Registration and email to you for further completion, approval and signature; receive signed HST Application and fax signed HST form to Canada Revenue Agency and arrange for HST Registration. $55.00
Subtotal Fees
Description Amount HST
Government Filing Fee - Incorporation
Online Transmission Filing Fee
Ontario Form 1 Notice e-Filing Fee
Ontario business name government Filing Fee
Online Transmission Filing Fee
Minute Book - Electronic or Physical
Courier charge (if applicable)
Subtotal Disbursements